Monday, March 30, 2009


Just how far can one person run behind? Well, I'm hear to tell you...really far behind! This rainy and snowy weather has helped me out, I've got to stay home behind this computer to try to make a dent in things...and my Mother in law informed me that I haven't posted anything on the blog for a, oh yeah....I'm behind on that too!, I thought I would post a few things, and let you see what I've been up to. I have a wedding this weekend, looks like its suppose to be beautiful, so say a prayer for me and for my beautiful bride! I've had seniors trying to squeeze in, and I have tons of seniors that had better be placing their orders soon, PLEASE don't wait till the last possible moment....Here are a few of my 2009 Seniors, I'll try to post a few at a time...Hope everyone is having a good day!

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