Monday, February 1, 2010

Still up....

I have written and rewritten this blog tonight to many times to tell....why is this so hard for me tonight. I was trying to write something gushy with it being February and all....I guess I know what I have, and can't help but when I talk about how much I love him...know that there are those out there, that are missing theirs, or can't seem to figure out why it just doesn't know, I look at things so much differently now. Its funny how things happen, and you're never the same. I love my family and friends so much...and I'm sad I'm so busy that its nights like right now that its too late to call, and I think about how I should have called them earlier. My nights get away from the time we get everyone home from practices, do homework...supper ( what ever I pull out of my hat, I'm not a planner if you didn't know, lol) and then baths, fight about bed time, read a book...and to be honest...wake up alot of times at 2:00 in the morning and think, how did I do it again! Sharing a twin bunk with Mary isn't the most comfortable in the world, so you'd think I'd wake up...but apparently when my head hits the pillow, its lights out for real. But tonight...I'm just thinking, and there isn't anyone up to talk to, so I'm writing to you. I'm going to try to go to sleep, but I want everyone to think about how we don't need a special day like Valentine's Day to prove that we love them...don't wait for a special day to let them know you care. Make everyday special....make it count. Sweet dreams~PEN

1 comment:

Kari said...

How right you are, once again. I might have to go back and re-read this a few dozen times. Thanks, Penny, for your awesome insight!