Thursday, February 11, 2010

You know when I said my life is crazy, I may have some of you not believe me, but after this story, any of you that don't have kids might not want them, and any of you that have had the day I've had...well, you'll totally understand my "crazyiness".

It all began after my PTO meeting today, I waited for Sammie to get out of basketball practice, and headed to Liberty, because no matter how hard I try to be a good momma, I forget Valentine's for the girl's party tomorrow!! Duh!! So I took them to Panda Express, just us girls...its was so nice, but Shelby, my 3rd grader was whining that she didn't want to eat, and she had fallen asleep on the way to Liberty, so I figured she was just tired. Well...she whined the whole time in Target, she was cold...she didn't want to walk anymore...please can I ride in the cart, I had just about had it with her. And on the way home about 3 miles from the Holt exit....PUKE!!! Everywhere...the back seat, up the front seat door....the other girls were going crazy! So I pull over, spend 30 minutes cleaning what I could up with paper towels and Lysol wipes ( thank God the gas station had them!!!) Then I went to vacuum up what I could of the fun I couldn't get with the dry paper towels....only to have my husband mad at me for keeping the girls out so late. Okay, I'm a little frustrated to say the least...but I have to stay up and fix brownies and cookies for the parties tomorrow because I made Mary a Doctor's appointment at 9:45 in the morning. Now I don't know if should try to meet up with one of my Brides or not tomorrow before the luck is not looking to good at this moment! I'm not positive when her appointment will be over, and I'm not really sure what they're going to have to do to her...I honestly think they are going to have to open Mary's poor little forehead up and try to get the stitch out that was suppose to dissolve and now is working its way she has about a half an inch of string hanging out of her little scar, and it is stuck, and I mean stuck if you're not busy tomorrow you can meet me at the doctor's office to help hold her down...or you can meet me afterwards at Starbuck's because I'm sure I'm gonna need something strong...and it will be to early to have anything any stronger! least I'm still laughing and not crying in the middle of the floor...cause' I think it would be pretty easy to do right now. Okay...I think I have vented enough tonight...I still have cookies to make! Oh the JOYS of being a Mom :)
Wish me luck, it may be a long night ~PENNY

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear John....

Okay, I'm here to tell wasn't the "Notebook" like we expected. We left the theater feeling let down, and disappointed! How could they have built this movie up and not put anything into it. The acting was good, what they actually got to act...most of the movie was used up with wasted time...time they could have used making you fall in love with the characters, and their story...and they didn't. We enjoyed Channing Tatum...I mean who doesn't enjoy him...I wanted to share with you this picture of my cousin Andy. He is a flight attendant on Southwest Airlines...and look who he got to take care of. He said he was really nice, and normal...which is awesome to hear...especially with how popular the guy is right now. Anyways...even if his movie wasn't one that I will watch over and over and cry like its the first time I saw it...its nice to know that he's a nice guy in real life ( plus, I can always watch G.I. Joe...that's more my kind of movie anyways, lol) If you're needing a good romance that will leave you crying on your pillow, the "Time Traveler's Wife" is coming out on Friday, now that's a good tear jerker! And once you catch onto the story line, you'll love it! Hope you all are staying warm, the girls got to stay home today...still have the basketball game tonight, so go Lady Panthers! Until we chat again~penny

Friday, February 5, 2010

Big day....

Okay, today is the big day.."Dear John" comes out in the movie theater and we have a girls night planned for after the basketball game...I'm sure its a chick flick, because I read the prologue in the book, and it already sounds sad. Guess I'll have to take some Kleenex with me to go with my popcorn! Why is it that sometimes, we just need a good cry? I loved the "Notebook" and "Message in a bottle" and this same guy wrote all of you think he's a sap, or do you think he went through something similar to these movies so he is able to really get to the audience?? All I know is we have been looking forward to it for a while I sure hope its as good as we think its gonna be. Anyways, I'll let you know if it was worth it. Good Luck to the Lady Panther's tonight, they've had a rough week. They played hard....just played against some really impressive teams this week. I just hope tonight can lift their emotions, they need it. The boys could use it too...Okay, have to go feed the babies (lambs) and its snowing looks beautiful this morning, trying to stay positive, but I'm so looking forward to spring...darn that little groundhog :)

I'll leave you with a little mushy stuff...Have a great day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Still up....

I have written and rewritten this blog tonight to many times to tell....why is this so hard for me tonight. I was trying to write something gushy with it being February and all....I guess I know what I have, and can't help but when I talk about how much I love him...know that there are those out there, that are missing theirs, or can't seem to figure out why it just doesn't know, I look at things so much differently now. Its funny how things happen, and you're never the same. I love my family and friends so much...and I'm sad I'm so busy that its nights like right now that its too late to call, and I think about how I should have called them earlier. My nights get away from the time we get everyone home from practices, do homework...supper ( what ever I pull out of my hat, I'm not a planner if you didn't know, lol) and then baths, fight about bed time, read a book...and to be honest...wake up alot of times at 2:00 in the morning and think, how did I do it again! Sharing a twin bunk with Mary isn't the most comfortable in the world, so you'd think I'd wake up...but apparently when my head hits the pillow, its lights out for real. But tonight...I'm just thinking, and there isn't anyone up to talk to, so I'm writing to you. I'm going to try to go to sleep, but I want everyone to think about how we don't need a special day like Valentine's Day to prove that we love them...don't wait for a special day to let them know you care. Make everyday special....make it count. Sweet dreams~PEN